
Emmaus Road Church is a non-denominational church. This means that we do not belong to any denomination. We emphasize relationships rather than content or schedules. Our meetings are “informal,” though our meetings are designed to encounter the Almighty God and to be changed by Him. By “informal,” we simply mean that we do not have a dress code or a liturgy similar to traditional worship services. Come as you are, encounter Jesus Christ, and be changed by him!

Jesus is the Lord and Savior of a multi-ethnic and multi-generational church. Thus, Emmaus Road Church strives to “look and feel” multi-ethnic and multi-generational. We encourage a “mixed” group by keeping our children in the main worship service when they have matured enough to participate with the rest of the church. We also treat all people with love and respect due to them as a way of honoring the “divine image” inherent in every human being. We do not discriminate by age, gender, race, ethnicity, or any other label people may carry.

Our worship style is relational, dialogical, and interactive. We encourage active participation. Church is not a production, but is a meeting of God’s people for the purpose of corporately worshipping Him. We do not punish distractions (like loud or curious children), but rather show love and grace to people and allow for life to happen, even “in church.”